Ciagarettes! Eeek! Run, hide your children! The social outcasts and results of 40 years of mass programming.
And now, for the truth…which we’ve known for a long time.
Also this, a great many people I know and have known, are dropping like flies from cancers. None of them ever smoked.
They have, however, breathed in chemtrails, ate dead irradiated food, and were pretty much obeying what they were told was “good for them” by the satanic network. They recycled and ate at fast food places and were pretty much lap-dogs of the the establishment that ordered about their lemming-like lives.
Now, they are all as “dead as Dillinger.” And every month, I hear of other old friends and acquantances with cancer. And like the unthinking stooges they bred themselves to be, they are treating it with body killing chemo and radiation. They too are headed for the morgue.
Nice knowing you…
It is near sacrilege for a health publication (or any other type of publication for that matter) to publish an article that is in any way friendly or helpful to smokers nowadays. Brace yourself, for you are about to read such a sacrilege.
Let us preface by noting that it is important to remember that smokers are hellishly evil creatures, for they savagely murder our innocent children with their second-hand death gas. We, as a collective society, have come to view anything tobacco-related as evil, and its perpetrators as needing to be stoned (in the biblical sense). Because of the almost religious anti-tobacco dogma nowadays, what follows might be a bit difficult to believe.
The first smokers were the American Indians (“Native Americans” for the politically correct). They also gave us marijuana, which was a favorite treat inside their ‘peace pipes’, by the way. For hundreds, if not thousands of years, these Indians frequently smoked unfiltered and organic tobacco, which was 10-20 times stronger than any cigarette sold now. Can you guess the health effect? The Indians did not get lung cancer — ever. In fact, they suffered from no major diseases whatsoever. They did not even suffer from allergies, despite having lived outdoors constantly. It is similar to the situation with the modern-day Amish, which we recently reported about. It wasn’t until the English and the Europeans began importing the European diet, long-term food storage, and the overall European lifestyle that diseases appeared in Indian tribes. The Old World diseases came to them with an ugly vengeance. Entire tribes were sometimes wiped-out in days, because the poor Indians had never needed to develop an immunity against disease.
No Indian was ever killed by tobacco before modern cigarettes, but this modern killer-tobacco is not the same tobacco that was smoked by their forefathers around their camp fires. There still have been no deaths attributed to marijuana, ever. If marijuana were regulated and ‘enhanced’ by the same chemical industry partners and governmental regulators that manage our cigarettes, foods, and drugs, then marijuana would be made equally deadly and “cancerous”. You could count on it happening. Big Pharma would not tolerate safe marijuana anymore than it tolerates safe cigarettes, especially in lieu of marijuana’s potent medicinal qualities.
Like our foods, and our medicines, modern tobacco is ‘enhanced’ (poisoned) by the chemical industry, and now our foods, medicines, and even our tobaccos comprise an unholy trinity of death and destruction. In modern cigarette smoke, the chemical compounds in an average cigarette outnumber the tobacco compounds over 100-to-1. Every one of these intentionally added chemicals is toxic, and most are carcinogenic. So, there is some truth to the belief that most (if not all) tobacco companies are evil, because what they do to their own customers is truly evil. Absolutely none of it is necessary. We are frankly baffled at the insanity of it all. We could write dozens of pages citing these deadly chemical cocktails, but we figure that our readers would prefer to be spared. Cigarettes, like medicines and foods, do not need to be poisoned, but all of these tend to be quite toxic in this era, thanks to “improvements” by the chemical industry.
The New Dark Secret Of The Tobacco Industry And Your State Government — “Fire Safe Cigarettes”
It is getting much worse for smokers. By January of 2010, in 49 out of the 50 United States, a new and much worse poison is being required by law to be added to all cigarettes. I wish we were kidding about this, but honestly, the new state laws are requiring that cigarette manufacturers poison smokers with something worse than we have seen before, like a state-mandated genocide against smokers. Please have the compassion to help us get the message out, even if you personally despise smoking and smokers. It is the right thing to do, and deep down, you know that it really is.
The new cigarettes contain a trace amount of ethylene/vinyl acetate, copolymer emulsion in water, which is literally ‘carpet glue’. It is known to cause tumors in mice, but inhalation of its smoke has never been tested on humans, of course. The Material Safety Data Sheet (M.S.D.S.) for this substance notes that it produces toxic fumes when exposed to fire. These new “fire safe” cigarettes are made with 3 layers of paper, which requires triple the glues of past cigarettes. They contain what are referred to as ‘speed bumps’ (made from carpet glue) all the way down the shaft. These are designed to reduce oxygen flow, so that the cigarette will quickly extinguish if nobody is inhaling it. In fact, this often puts the cigarette out too early, causing the smoker to re-ignite several times throughout a cigarette. This is particularly ironic, because the ignition is the most dangerous part of smoking, in terms of fire safety and carcinogenic toxins. In addition, it forces the smoker to puff more deeply, and more frequently than they otherwise would, while smoking a considerably more toxic cigarette. We call this deadly by design.
Activists have been campaigning for decades to get tobacco companies to remove other substances that are toxic when smoked, such as citrates, phosphates and calcium carbonate; which are all added to ensure that cigarettes do not self-extinguish. Of course, instead of just removing these substances, tobacco companies instead decided to add carpet glue. Their logic for appeasing law-makers is flawed at best. Indeed, all of the newspaper articles which blame the victims for cigarette-induced fires with headlines like “House Burned Down by Reckless Cigarette Use” neglect to mention the fact that cigarettes contain burn accelerators, which should rightly place the blame on the manufacturer of the cigarettes. These fire-accelerating chemicals incredibly remain inside the “fire safe cigarettes”. It is a similar situation to the one we have seen with the pharmaceutical industry, in which new chemicals are needed to eliminate the side-effects of the chemicals that they gave us originally, and they are laughing all the way to the bank.
The Politics Of Tobacco Genocide
No studies have ever been done on cigarettes containing pure, organic tobacco, because such a test might actually prove it to be fairly safe in moderation. Such a scientific finding would not be a politically correct one. It would be on-par with questioning Darwinism, and it would probably destroy some careers. True science, however, does not fear investigation. We have no doubt that the chemical sticks, which are nowadays called “cigarettes”, are much more harmful than pure tobacco, or marijuana. However, animal rights activists shriek at the very prospect of doing such a study on animals (even more political correctness), so instead the smokers are being used as guinea pigs, and they are never given informed consent. Smokers are still less than human, after all. Right?
Despite all of the campaigns that have been led by politicians who talk about how they are “getting tough” on Big Tobacco, no labeling is yet required for the additives that are placed into cigarettes. Smokers have no idea that literally hundreds of chemical compounds are added to most cigarettes. Even fewer have been told that they are now legally required to smoke carpet glue whenever they smoke.
A study by the Harvard School of Health revealed that tar, carbon monoxide, and naphthalene levels were higher in the new fire safe cigarettes. In fact, according to their study, every chemical, except nicotine, was higher in fire-safe cigarettes, encouraging smokers to inhale the toxins more deeply. Despite these alarming results, the study was actually biased toward the fire-safe cigarettes. We can empathize with their good intentions, but what happens when the ‘cure’ is many times worse than the ‘disease’? Is it really wise to proceed in such a case; and if the goals are so innocent, then why have these ‘improved’ cigarettes never been reported to the public? Why the media black-out?
Naphthalene is an insecticide and a bi-product of the coal tar industry. It is also a core part of the new “safe” cigarettes. Exposure to high amounts of naphthalene can result in irreversible damage to the eyes and liver, according to the E.P.A.. It is also a possible carcinogen, particularly through inhalation exposure. Symptoms of acute exposure include headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, malaise, confusion, anemia, jaundice, convulsions, and coma. It can also cause neurological effects in infants. From these things, we can definitively conclude that non-safe cigarettes are safer than their fire-safe counterparts. However, these are the effects of just one chemical. An investigation into the effects of every chemical found in modern cigarettes would require a book to cover.
If all of this were not enough, these “fire safe cigarettes” are not really fire safe. In one final move to alleviate themselves from any sort of liability, cigarette companies admit on their websites that “no cigarette is fire safe”. The legislation was supposedly enacted for the purpose of stopping fires, but the very initials that are found on these cigarette packets (FSC) promote a false sense of security that is prone to actually causing more fires. While cigarette companies are marketing the “fire safe” feature, you may not necessarily be able to sue them if their cigarettes cause a fire. Even with the existence of their chemical burn accelerators, their lawyers will predictably contend that the addition of carpet glue was a good faith effort to ensure “safety”, and therefore fires will still be blamed on smokers.
Legislation mandating the sale of only fire-safe cigarettes went into effect on January 1st, 2010 in several states, including our home state of North Carolina. We are already hearing about many of the health issues that are being caused by these cigarettes, which seem to mimic the symptoms of naphthalene exposure. All fire safe cigarettes must be labeled on the box. Usually around the bar code, the letters ‘FSC’ mean “Fire Safety Compliant”. Retailers who still have non-fire safe cigarettes will not be able to purchase more when they run out.
Some smokers choose American Spirits’ “organic” cigarettes, but please be aware that these are also “fire safe” (poisoned). This brand does contain organic tobacco, but the paper is far from organic. This deceptive labeling was obviously an intentional attempt to deceive customers who are trying to choose a healthier alternative, and therefore we recommend that this company be avoided for ethical reasons. The only way for customers in most states to avoid fire safe cigarettes is for them to roll their own, purchase them online from foreign countries, and to assist groups like Citizens Against Fire Safe Cigarettes (CAFSC).