Time for detoxing your junk NOW
Most toxins are eliminated in bile via the liver. In addition to commercial cleansing products, a wide variety of foods, supplements and healthy practices can help flush and eliminate pesticides and other toxins from the liver, gall bladder, colon, kidneys and blood:
* Glutathione is the body’s natural detoxifier which enables the liver to remove toxins from the body. N-Acetyl Cysteine helps the body produce glutathione. Likewise, coffee enemas increase glutathione production and also help keep the bile ducts open.
* One “must have” item is milk thistle, which is wonderful for overall liver health as well as a great detoxifier. For more liver health recommendations, see:
* Essiac Tea is a great overall cleanser which is noted for its cancer-fighting abilities. One of the pesticides commonly employed for ground spraying, permethrin, is considered by the EPA as “likely to be carcinogenic to humans” if consumed.
* About one quarter of the toxins in your body are eliminated through the skin. Saunas and hot baths help sweat toxins out. To see how to use a healing and detoxing bath at home:
* Clay baths are extremely effective for pulling all kinds of toxins out of the body. The best clay for detoxification is calcium montmorillonite.
* Pantethine is an often overlooked supplement which can be essential opening up roadblocks pesticides create which prevent the body from being able to absorb, use or deploy sufficient amounts of natural detox items.
* Activated Charcoal is safe to consume and very potent. Take 20-30 grams a day in divided doses mixed with water for one to two weeks.
* Citrus pectin is one of the most powerful detoxifying substances to be found and, though it eliminates toxic metals, it doesn’t deplete your body of zinc, calcium or magnesium.
* Be sure to eat plenty of alkaline foods such as fruits and vegetables. Alkaline bodies are better able to flush toxins.
* Fiber helps your liver flush out toxins by transporting them out of your digestive system. Eat two to three servings of fiber-rich foods daily. Dietary sources of fiber include whole grain breads and cereals, flax seed, barley, beans and fresh or dried prunes.
* Toxins tend to collect in the fat around tissues like your liver. Grapefruit contains a flavonoid called naringenin that reprograms your liver to melt excess fat, instead of storing it.
* Garlic boosts the ability of your white blood cells to fight the effects of toxins.
* Lemons and asparagus have proven abilities to reduce pesticide levels.
* Eggs help remove toxins and also increase energy levels.
* Vitamin C is essential for our ability to neutralize the effects of toxins.
* Magnesium is essential for over 300 body processes.
* Selenium is important for the production of an enzyme that helps to detoxify your body.
* Dandelion root stimulates bile production and acts as a diuretic for excess water.
* Used by Native Americans for centuries, sarsaparilla is a great tasting tea and an effective blood detoxifier.
* Burdock Root increases urine and perspiration.
* 10-12 glasses of clean water daily helps flush toxins from your body.
* Skin brushing reduces the fatigue caused by pesticide exposure. It also helps the lymph drainage system flush toxins from your system.
* Exercise 30 minutes to one hour daily to bring more oxygen-rich blood to your kidneys and liver, allowing them to eliminate toxins more effectively.