How come the only “Freedom” phreaks / trannys / lefties / liberals believe in is the freedom to be a degenerate?
How come the only “Freedom” phreaks / trannys / lefties / liberals believe in is the freedom to be a degenerate?
- They don’t want the freedom to protect yourself, or your property.
- They don’t want the freedom of having law enforcement deal with nutjobs, and violent black people.
- They don’t want the freedom to modify, edit, repair, nor enhance the technology, and software that they pay for.
- They don’t want freedom of speech.
- They don’t want freedom for parents to decide what’s correct to teach a child.
- They don’t want freedom from dangerous foreign invaders.
- They don’t want freedom of press.
- They don’t want freedom to decide one’s own medical treatments.
- They don’t want freedom from a tyrannical government over reaching, tyrannical foreigners in our government with foreign interests, nor freedom from giving away trillions in tax money to Zionist grifter countries.
Like all the satanic trash that they are, the only freedoms they want is how to be a nasty abomination of filth, day and and night out. Outside of debauchery freedoms, they want TOTAL SLAVERY OF THE WORLD, otherwise. And the LE is filled with this garbage and never arrests them, except to release them later.
The only thing these degenerates want freedom for is to subvert every American value that ever existed.
- To spread diseases without telling anyone.
- To have massive gay orgies weekly.
- To have kids participate in all their degenerate gay activities.
- To have kids strip and dance for them for money.
- To adopt children that they fuck, and drive off a cliff with.
- To raise your child to be like them, without your consent.
- To fuck in the streets to celebrate degeneracy.
- To bitch and moan about banned degenerate books from schools, while bitching and moaning about wanting to ban literally anything, including people for simply disagreeing with them.
These people aren’t even human.