6 Weird Things About Zika That Don’t Add Up
Here’s what we know about Zika.
Let’s examine what we know so far.
- Zika has been around for about 70 years. And up until recently, it was considered fairly benign. It was discovered in Uganda in 1947 but not considered to be at all serious. “Instances of Zika virus in humans arose every now and then, but cases were mostly in equatorial regions. The symptoms were also mild enough that it could be left alone until it clears within a week, just like any normal fever.” Symptoms last for up to a week and include: mild fever, skin rash, conjunctivitis, muscle and joint pain, malaise, and/or headache.
- The Rockefeller Foundation owns the patent for the Zika virus. Learn more about the Rockefeller link here. I find all of these connections with the Rockefeller Foundation and the Gates Foundation to be kinda sketchy, considering that both families are rumored to be proponents of massive population reduction. However, the Huffington Post says this is all just crazy talk.
- Should such a “dangerous virus” be available online? The freeze-dried virus is available for purchase for a mere $516(with a discount for non-profit organizations.) I made it through the checkout process without being asked for any type of medical or laboratory credentials, and the Biohazard level of the virus is only “2” which is one step up from “no big deal”. “Biosafety level 2 is suitable for work involving agents of moderate potential hazard to personnel and the environment. This includes various microbes that cause mild disease to humans, or are difficult to contract via aerosol in a lab setting.”(source)
- There is no hard evidence proving a link between Zika and microcephaly. While there is definitely a microcephaly epidemic in Brazil, there are other places with high rates of Zika with no cases of microcephaly at all. For example, in Columbia, more than 12,000 pregnant women were infected with Zika as of the end of March this year, but from those pregnancies, there wasn’t a single case of microcephaly. A report by the New England Complex Systems Institute (NECSI) says that the cause should be reconsidered. “One possibility that has been raised is the pesticide pyriproxyfen, which is applied to drinking water in some parts of Brazil to kill the larvae of the mosquitos that transmit Zika. Pyriproxyfen is an analogue for insect juvenile hormone which is cross reactive with retinoic acid, which is known to cause microcephaly.” Incidentally, pyriproxyfen was brought to the world by a subsidiary of Monsanto, and you know how corporately responsible they are. It’s notable that the outbreak of Zika can be traced to the very place that genetically modified mosquitoes were released last year to reduce the incidence of dengue fever. And finally, for one more possibility, the microcephaly epidemic also correlates with a large uptick in the tDAP vaccine that was mandated for all pregnant women about a year ago.
- Bad cure #1. Residents in Florida have been sprayed with a chemical to kill the mosquitoes that transmit Zika. Ironically, the chemical, an organophosphate neurotoxin called Naled, has neurotoxic effects and can cause…wait for it…small brains in babies born to mothers who inhaled the spray. Merchants in the area say that it has turned into a “ghost town” since the planes flew over and doused residents with chemicals.
- Bad cure #2. In yet another ironic twist, folks are chomping at the bit to release genetically modified mosquitoes to fight the Zika mosquitoes. (Bill Gates has been funding these mosquito-launches since 2010, incidentally.) The irony comes from this fact: the epicenter of the outbreak just happened to be the same place where they released a bunch of genetically modified mosquitos in Brazil to “suppress dengue fever.”
This video goes into even more detail and asks the question: Is Zika a psy-op?
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOIWWSezMBg]