The MEDIA will ignore these ladies achievements while celebrating the lesbian Hildebeast

After poking liberal gun control activists in the eye with her victory, Ginny couldn’t pass up the opportunity to also offend PETA activists recalling to the Richmond Times-Dispatch how the “adrenaline rush” of obliterating her first deer solidified her interest in shooting:
She wanted to be an Olympic figure skater when she was younger, but became enthralled with shooting after joining her grandfather, father and two older brothers on a hunting trip.
On the second day of the trip, the group stopped to eat lunch when Thrasher’s father, Roger, told her there was a deer right behind her.
“The adrenaline rush was incredible,” Thrasher said.
Now, media attention has shifted to California-native and 5-time Olympic medal winner, Kim Rhode, who is looking to become the first American in history to win a medal in 6 consecutive Olympic games.
Amazing accomplishment but not one that we suspect the media wants to highlight as it doesn’t play well with their “guns are bad” narrative. In comments made to The Guardian, Mrs. Rhode talked about how she has to brush up on current gun laws before heading off to the Olympics as her press conferences are more about gun control and less about her accomplishments.
She expected her press conferences to be more about gun control than her performance and spends time studying proposed anti-gun laws before big shooting events.
She added that the stigma that has been attached to shooting has affected her ability to get endorsements, saying that at least one large company refused to sponsor her.
Where most athletes simply answer softball questions from the media about their “keys to victory,” Mrs. Rhode has to answer questions about recent gun laws passed in California and their usefulness in combating terror attacks. Turns out Mrs. Rhode is not shy about voicing her opinion and using the opportunity to bash recent gun laws passed by Governor Jerry Brown in California:
“I’m definitely becoming more vocal because I see the need,” said Rhode, a skeet shooter going for a medal in her sixth straight Olympics. “We just had six laws that were passed in California that will directly affect me. For example, one of them being an ammunition law. I shoot 500 to 1,000 rounds a day, having to do a background check every time I purchase ammo or when I bring ammo out for a competition or a match – those are very, very challenging for me.”
“When you look at these events that have been occurring, they’ve been occurring in some of the strictest gun law countries in the world,” she said. “You have Paris, you have San Bernadino, which was actually in a gun-free zone, so, yeah, it’s actually something that you take into consideration.
“Here’s a little bit of information for you. I actually learned to shoot on a semi-automatic it was a 20-gauge semi-automatic shotgun, and that’s what most people learn to shoot on,” she said. “It kicks less, it has less recoil.”
“Some of these laws they are starting to pass now, for instance, in the state of California – if I were to purchase a gun, I cannot loan that gun to someone who is not a blood relative so that means that I can’t loan it to my husband or I can’t loan it to an adopted child.”
“Even though we’re married and we’re all family, they’re not considered a blood relative.”
Well, we hope Mrs. Rhode can focus with the media backlash that she just welcomed upon herself. She should have said she was a lesbian who raised same sex children and then, maybe, they will acknowledge her. Something tells us that Rhode’s amazing accomplishment of winning a medal in 6 consecutive Olympic games isn’t the “narrative” that the media will go with in telling her story.