TELEGRAPHING THEIR INTENTIONS – Fema announces Tsunami in California
“It is coming. It is a certainty […] more than ten-thousand will die,” says Fox News anchor Shepard Smith
By Shepard Ambellas
PACIFIC NORTHWEST (INTELLIHUB) — “Our operating assumption is that everything west of Interstate 5 will be toast,” a FEMA official told Kathryn Schulz of the New Yorker. “When the next full-margin rupture happens, that region will suffer the worst natural disaster in the history of North America.”, Schulz wrote about an anticipated future mega-quake.
“The worst natural disaster in the history of America is coming […] if I lived right now in the Pacific Northwest I would be considering moving — seriously,” Fox newscaster Shepard Smith warned his audience before going on the explain how a “colossal earthquake and […] tsunami” will likely strike the Pacific Northwest in the not too distant future.
“They [scientists] are all in agreement, it is absolutely coming,” said Smith, “a wall of water […] up to a hundred feet high and up to seven-hundred feet across.
“Houses […] dump-trucks […] schools” will be washed away, “thousand and thousands will not escape.”