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Charlotte Gerson
It is a sad fact that the concept of totality, or holism, is poorly understood and not applied to dental health, although teeth are an integral part of the body and can powerfully influence its general condition. Rarely do physicians consider checking the teeth of the patient who presents with various problems, perhaps a tendency to infection, a weakness or some other malfunction of the metabolism that is difficult to diagnose. The reason for this omission is that teeth belong to a totally different area of medicine that a physician is not concerned with.
And yet it is a serious mistake to ignore teeth. Worse still, it can become a terrible mistake to treat them incorrectly. Only a few years ago did the dental profession become aware of the problems caused by root canal treatment. This came about because Dr. George Meinig, DDS, F.A.C.D., former head of the Root Canal Society, was reading a book written some hundred years ago by Dr. Weston Price, D.D.S., F.A.C.D.,

7 and began to understand that it was a grave mistake to drill into root canals, try to clear them, refill the now empty space—and assume that this has taken care of the problem.

In his book Dr. Price relates that he was asked to treat the tooth of a lady who was bedfast with rheumatoid arthritis throughout her body. He removed the previously root canal filled offending tooth, cleaned and sterilized it, and implanted it under the skin of a rabbit. In five days the rabbit developed severe rheumatoid arthritis; in 10 days the disease killed it. Meantime the patient started to feel better, was able to get up, lost much of her pain and swellings, and eventually recovered.
Dr. Price was impressed by this development and decided to research it further. Whenever he removed a damaged tooth, he proceeded in the same way to sterilize and implant it under the skin of a rabbit. To his amazement whatever disease the patient had suffered from, showed up in the rabbit within five days, and killed it in ten. This happened dozens, even hundreds of times with teeth removed from patients suffering from kidney disease, heart disease, and other problems. Dr. Price then carried out two more experiment. In one, he implanted a tooth lost by accident from a healthy person under the skin of a rabbit and noted that the rabbit remained healthy and eventually survived for 15 years. Next he took a tooth from a diseased patient and autoclaved it

(exposed it to steam pressure at 250 0 F=121 0 C). It made no difference: the rabbit still died of the patient’s disease.

Having understood the biochemical damage inflicted on the whole body by treating root canals with fillings, Dr. George Meinig resigned from the Root Canal Society and wrote a book titled

The Root Canal Cover-Up,8 exposing the facts originally discovered and recorded by Dr. Weston Price.

Dr. Meinig explains that there are two factors behind the actual damage caused by root canal fillings. One is that removing the nerve of a tooth leaves that tooth dead. No nutrients can enter it via the canules (

the equivalents of capillaries in other tissues), nor can metabolic residues be released from it. However, the now empty canules fill with germs and viruses, which then penetrate the jawbone and can in time cause severe infectious bone damage. Toxins from these infections are released into the blood stream, causing an almost permanent poisoning.

Unfortunately even deep bone infections with resulting cavitations

(hollowed out bone) do not cause pain, so that frequently the patient is not aware of having a problem. Even a standard dental X-ray doesn’t show the bone damage; only the new ‘panoramic’ dental X-rays are able to do that. The only solution is to remove the offending tooth and clear infectious material from the cavitation, which allows the hollowed-out bone to heal.

If a dentist discovers an abscess at the tip of the root of a tooth, he or she will urge the patient to have a root canal treatment done. DO NOT AGREE. The filling used in the canal eventually shrinks a tiny bit, allowing germs and viruses to enter via the canules, which become conduits for the invaders, causing much trouble. The dentist will assure you that the filling material currently used in the root canal doesn’t shrink. However, even if this were true, there remains the problem

of the dead tooth, the germ-filled canules, and a constant focus of infection active within the organism. So, rather than having the root canal treated, regretfully that tooth has to be extracted.

Beside root canals there are many other dental problems, such as receding gums, gum infections, cavities, etc., that are easily detected and corrected. These should be cleared, so that no oral infections can interfere with the healing process. Once we have understood the unbreakable unity of the organism, it becomes clear how an unresolved and ignored dental problem can cause serious damage in some other part of the body.
Mercury fillings should never be used. There is much information and research material proving the damage caused by releasing small amounts of mercury into the system by chewing, drinking, swallowing. These small but continuously released amounts of what is a potent nerve toxin are also absorbed by the lungs and the linings of the digestive system into the bloodstream, leading to severe harm. Despite the mass of scientific research material confirming this risk, some dentists and the American Dental Association (ADA) vociferously claim that mercury is perfectly safe once installed in the tooth. It is not. These days there are various minimally toxic inert filling materials available to deal with cavities.
Crowns are another problem. A crown must never be fitted over a mercury filling, nor should gold be used if there is any mercury—also known as silver amalgam—present in other parts of the mouth. Between those two metals a tiny mild electric current is generated, which is capable of interfering with the enzymes and other factors of pre-digestion that are active in the mouth. If a crown is necessary, it should be made from other materials, such as plastic or porcelain.
Dental anesthesia needs to be handled with care. When the body is well detoxified, it becomes more sensitive to any toxins, including anesthesia used by dentists to overcome the pain of dental work. It is extremely important that a Gerson patient should tell his/her dentist the following, prior to the use of anesthesia drugs:

• To use no more than one third to one half of the normal dose,
• To use no epinephrine in compounding the drug,
• To start the treatment immediately (the effect wears off quickly.)

Upon returning from the dentist’s office, the patient should take a coffee enema, whether or not one is scheduled for that time. Any additional pain is likely to be cleared by another coffee enema.


If the dentist avises the patient to take a dose of antibiotics, this must not be refused. A dental infection can be very serious and even become life-threatening.

Case Histories:

We have several patient reports of dramatic improvements after the removal of root canal treated teeth. One breast cancer patient using the Gerson Therapy was making slow progress. When her husband began to suspect some dental problem slowing down the healing process, he had her examined by a dentist. Indeed, a cavitation was found and cleared, and the infected tooth removed. Subsequently the remaining breast tumor tissue was rapidly absorbed, she recovered and remained well for many years.

In another case a young woman, married to an athlete and hoping for children, conceived readily but suffered three miscarriages in a row. A full examination of her teeth disclosed a far advanced cavitation in her jawbone. When the offending tooth was extracted and the infection in her jawbone was cleaned up, shortly afterwards she had three normal pregnancies.

A father wrote to us to say that he was impressed by the report, published in our Newsletter, on the damage caused by root canal treated teeth. It caused him to arrange a dental examination for his son who had been suffering from schizophrenia for several years, without being helped by the drug treatment he had received. When the young man’s teeth were checked and a root canal filled tooth was removed, he gradually recovered and needed no further medication.