Nutritional Benefits
Pineapple is loaded with vitamin C, B1 and smaller amounts of B2, B3, B5 and B6. It is also an excellent source of manganese, copper, magnesium, potassium, beta-carotene, folic acid, and dietary fiber.
Perhaps, the most outstanding feature of pineapple is its amount of bromelain content. Bromelain is an enzyme that has many uses for our body.
Bromelain in pineapple has the special ability to help our body balance and neutralize fluids so that it’s neither too alkaline nor too acidic. It also stimulates hormonal secretions in the pancreas that aids digestion.
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Health Benefits
Bromelain in pineapple is a protein-digesting enzyme which also effectively reduce inflammation and swelling. So drink fresh pineapple juice and say goodbye to all your pains.
Digestion: After a heavy meaty meal, drink pineapple juice, as the protein-digesting enzymes help do the extra work of digesting for you.
Inflammatory conditions: As pineapple juice causes an anti-inflammatory effect, drinking this yellow juice can relief sufferers of much pain in the following inflammatory conditions:
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Rheumatoid arthritis
Respiratory conditions: Bromelain helps to break down and dissolve excessive mucus, providing much relief to sufferers of asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and sinusitis. It would also help tremendously if you reduced your intake of harmful foods, as mucus are formed mostly from consumption of these foods.
Sore Throat: Drinking pineapple juice significantly reduces the soreness and redness in the throat.
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Consumption Tips
Choose pineapples that are nicely golden with fragrant aroma and that are heavy. Check that the bottom stem is not decayed or has moldy spots.
Few hours before you plan to eat the pineapple, cut off the crown and then turn the fruit upside down on a plate and leave in the fridge. The sweetness of the juice which is at the bottom of the pineapple will be nicely distributed throughout the entire fruit when turned over!
If you find the taste of the pineapple to be too acidic, sprinkle a little lime on it. This will help take the acidic taste away.
To keep your cut pineapple, store it in an airtight container and soak it in its own juice. It will keep for up to one week in the fridge, and will retain its taste and juiciness.
Pineapple is very sweet and must never be taken by those who are diabetic or has low blood sugar level. If you are normally healthy, the sweetness will not pose any problem.
However, if you find that it is too sweet but would still like to enjoy its goodness, by all means dilute it with water to taste. Or, mix it with other less sweet juice, like green juices.