In defiance of President Trump’s Executive Order on immigration, Starbucks – the employee abusing, non-organic Milk using, GMO Peddling, TPP Table Sitting, Ethiopian farmer screwing coffee company has decided to try it’s hand at “Conscious Capitalism” by announcing a plan to hire 10,000 refugees worldwide over the next 5 years – depriving jobs to 10,000 citizens across the globe.
This isn’t the first time Starbucks and Trump have been at odds;
Sunday’s announcement on refugee hires, made in a letter to employees, has been met with fierce backlash, as well as many committing to switch to Dunkin’ Donuts, whose shares were up today. The hashtag #BoycottStarbucks is predictably making it’s way around Twitter, which has of course resulted in hilarity – including a new nickname with several contenders for the logo.
And of course, there’s Twitter:
— Sean Henderson (@5henders0n) January 31, 2017
Remember when Starbucks BANNED Women from Stores in Muslim Saudi Arabia & Posted signs saying: “NO ENTRY FOR LADIES…”#BoycottStarbucks
— Amy Mek (@AmyMek) January 30, 2017
I dont need to #BoycottStarbucks because of refugees.I already boycott Starbucks because I wont pay $5 for shit coffee without booze in it
— ReligionFreeSince93 (@TheDailyCowman) January 30, 2017
It has been well documented on Youtube that Starbucks employees routinely spit or otherwise defile the coffee drinks of Christians and Trump supporters. Sbux CEO has openly called for Christians to never patronize the company, an open hatred of God and those of the faith.
It will be interesting to keep an eye on $SBUX and $DNKN over the next few days if this picks up steam: