Don’s smoothie recipes (a couple of them at least)
Smoothie recipes by Don
Strawberry Classic
1 banana, peeled
One apple
1 box of strawberries
Four oranges, peeled or juiced
5 ice cubs
Serve immediately
Green Goliath
1 handful of Kale
1 banana
1 heaping scoop of Vegan Protein Powder
1 table scoop of Flax seeds
1 apple
1 half cantaloupe, skinned
4 oranges, peeled or juiced
5 ice cubes
Serve chilled
Berry Blast
1 heaping scoop of Vegan Protein Powder
1 cup of blueberries
1 Papaya, less core
1 apple
1 table scoop of Flax seeds
4 oranges, peeled or juiced
5 ice cubes
Creamy Dream
½ cup of blueberries
1 banana
5 apricots, without seed
4 oranges, peeled or juiced
1 Fuji apple
1 heaping scoop of Vegan Protein Powder
5 ice cubes