CDC documents with research data that unveil the agencies long history of fraudulent studies and medical cover-ups that hid the serious failures and health risks of vaccines
accines. In case you doubt vaccines are cocktails of neurotoxic poison – which contain highly dangerous Mercury amongst other hazardous chemicals – please read these articles:
Vaccine Secrets: Toxic Ingredients – 22 Studies that Show Vaccines Can Cause Autism – Peanut Allergies Caused by Vaccines – Vaccines Cause Food Allergies – 5 Seniors Die from Flu Shot – Sudden Infant Death Syndrome – Vaccine Injury and Deaths – Mexico Cancels Infant Vaccines Nationwide After Two Die – Guillain Barré Syndrome is No 1 Side Effect of Vaccine Injury – Jim Carrey blasts CDC and drug companies – Polio Vaccines causing worldwide surge in childhood paralysis

“It was a shocking surprise last year when a senior epidemiologist at the CDC, Dr. William Thompson, acted upon his moral conscience and released thousands of pages of CDC documents with research data that unveil the agencies long history of fraudulent studies and medical cover-ups that hid the serious failures and health risks of vaccines.
“Dr. Thompson, who co-authored and published research on vaccine thimerosal mercury—still included in some vaccines, especially the influenza vaccine—has admitted he was part of the CDC’s conspiracy to obscure scientific evidence proving thimerosal and the MMR vaccine as causal factors for autism. During an interview on the Autism Media Channel, he stated that he would never give his pregnant wife a flu shot because of its high concentration of mercury. “I don’t know why they still give it to pregnant women,” Dr. Thompson stated. “That’s the last person I would give mercury to.”
Recently, an Italian Court backed by expert medical testimony ruled that Autism and Brain Damage are caused by neurotoxic Mercury and Aluminium contained in vaccines.
That’s why you should never vaccinate yourself nor your children. Click here to know how to legally get a vaccine exemption.
The following is a great resource compilation from Dr. Joseph Mercola:
- NVIC Memorial for Vaccine Victims: View descriptions and photos of children and adults, who have suffered vaccine reactions, injuries, and deaths. If you or your child experiences an adverse vaccine event, please consider posting and sharing your story here.
- If You Vaccinate, Ask 8 Questions: Learn how to recognize vaccine reaction symptoms and prevent vaccine injuries.
- Vaccine Freedom Wall: View or post descriptions of harassment and sanctions by doctors, employers, and school and health officials for making independent vaccine choices.
Stay informed and join the fight against Mandatory Vaccination that the corrupt Federal Government is trying to push on a recalcitrant citizenry. Make sure they hear of your concern here.
Besides, why should vaccination be forced on those who don’t want it? Is it really to prevent others from being infected as they claim? But if others are already vaccinated, why should they be afraid of those who are not? Aren’t vaccinated folks immunized and thus protected against those who are not? Isn’t that the whole point?
The truth is vaccination is a scam that does not immunize anyone. It is a deception concocted to enrich Big Pharma. As folks get sick from the side effects of their vaccine poison, the need for other side-effects-laden “medicines” skyrockets. So the vicious cycle of diseases goes on and on while Big Pharma’s bank account gets fatter and fatter.