Autism Rates In California Skyrocket Following Mandatory Vaccine Bill
According to new statistics, autism rates in California have exploded since the introduction of the mandatory vaccine bill last year.
Following the introduction of the controversial SB277 bill, signed by Governor Jerry Brown, autism rates have risen a staggering 17%. reports:
The state of California passed its controversial mandatory vaccination law (SB 277), which removed personal and religious reasons from the list of being exempt from vaccinations, with the goal of increasing vaccination rates.
In 2016 the rates of autism in California public schools jumped 7% in general, but rose especially high for kindergarten kids – by 17%. As the Sacramento Bee reported, the number of kids diagnosed as autistic has risen seven-fold since 2001.
Increases have come each year, but in 2016 following the mandatory vaccination law, the rate jumped even higher than usual: a total of 6,368 additional cases were reported from the previous school year. Comparing the 2013-2014 school year to 2014-2015, the number of additional cases was 6,076. The school year prior to that saw an increase of 6,089; or 13 extra cases reported compared to the increase in ’14-15.
In total, a jump of nearly 300 extra cases was seen between the ’14-15 school year and the ’15-’16 one, after SB277 took effect.
Because vaccines have mercury, aluminum, and many toxins in them, it is becoming more frequent for kids to experience severe adverse reactions, including many symptoms that are identical to those on the autism spectrum.
While nationwide, 1 out of 68 kids are autistic, the number is now more than 1 out of 65 kindergarten kids in California public school.
Children May Be in More Danger Having to Catch Up to the Vaccination Schedule
When SB 277 went into effect, many parents with young children who were behind the vaccination schedule or did not start vaccinating yet, were forced to catch up or they could longer go to a public school. As a result, many children received a high amount of vaccines in a very short period of time.
When it comes to toxins in vaccinations, the more vaccines are given at one time, the bigger the risk that a child will experience a severe adverse reaction.
When we hear of a child left disabled or even dead after receiving vaccinations, it is often after receiving multiple vaccines at a time.
One example occurred when five-month-old Matthew Gage Downing-Powers went to the doctor in October 2013. His parents were told that he needed to catch up on his vaccinations, so he received 8 in one visit: DTaP (3 in 1), Polio, Hib, Hep B, Pneumococcal PCV and the oral Rotavirus vaccine. He passed less than two daysafter the visit.
“I don’t want Matthew to die in vain because of vaccine manufacturers not doing a better job making safer vaccines, before pushing them onto unsuspecting parents and their innocent babies they view as profitable beings,” his mom writes.
Matthew’s case is no longer rare, with similar tragedies occurring in many families.
Many children survive, but end up being disabled for life.
For example, Ryan Mojabi’s family received monetary compensation ($969,474.91) from the vaccine court after he was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder following receiving scheduled vaccinations.
According to his parents, “as a cumulative result of his receipt of each and every vaccination between March 25, 2003 and February 22, 2005, Ryan has suffered . . . neuroimmunologically mediated dysfunctions in the form of asthma and ASD,” reported The Huffington Post.
While the pharmaceutical industry refuses to even consider that these cases exist and that vaccinations may add greatly to autism risk, research such as from 2011 Current Medicinal Chemistry study warns that vaccines may be not as beneficial as originally thought, in fact they warn:
“The possibility that vaccine benefits may have been overrated and the risk of potential adverse effects underestimated, has not been rigorously evaluated in the medical and scientific community.”
Mainstream media and the manufacturers insist that they are safe, but what happens when large doses of vaccines, and their toxic additives, are administered to a child all at once? Unfortunately, parents are being left in the dark, and if recent history is any indication, they may be putting their children at risk as well.
If California is serious about protecting the health of its children more than profits of the pharmaceutical industry, they should prove it by addressing these concerns before it’s too late.