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Another Arkancide

Bish is dead, but the kill machine lives on. People keep mentioning the weird form of death, rather than the fact he has the same surname as Prince William’s wife, the Duchess of Cambridge.

Be suicidal
>Tell nobody, give away no clues
>Decide to end it all
>Drive 30 miles
>To a place I have never been, and never mentioned
>Shoot myself with a shotgun
>Hang myself from a tree just to make sure I die
>Leave no note

Shot himself in the chest… While hanging from a tree, no blood on scene. Sure.  

The Sheriff is lying. IT’s impossible to shoot yourself in the chest with a shotgun. No hands can reach the trigger like that, especially if you are hanging by the neck.
All the uber wealthy nephilim have this kind of evil crap on the walls of their homes. Should tell you alot about the Royals and the Elite, unless the mind is dead or complicit in such crimes against us all and GOD.